Festivalul Internaţional „Europe in Motion”

Vineri, 20 martie, ora 19.00, Sala Rondă
Amy Raymond (NL) – Solo based on the Odysseus concept (work in progress)
Robin Dingemans (UK) – Not What I Had In Mind (work in progress)
Andreea Novac (RO) – Dance a playful body (work in progress)

SÂmbătă, 21 martie, ora 19.00, Sala Rondă
Hetain Patel (UK) – TEN (work in progress)
Ana Cătălina Gubandru (RO) – My performance (work in progress)
Liat Magnezy (NL) – Trio-log (work in progress)

Luni, 23 martie, ora 19.00, Sala Rondă
Giulia Mureddu (NL) – Escaping Grey
Paul Dunca (RO) – We went with these bodies as far as we could (work in progress)
Chris Dugrenier (UK) – Still moving moving still (work in progress)

Marti, 24 martie, Sala Rondă, ora 19.00
Mihaela Dancs (RO) – Lulu’s room (work in progress)
Zoi Dimitriou (UK) – Can you see me?
Jaakko Toivonen (NL) – SOMA (work in progress)

Prezentări şi spectacole paralele:

Miercuri, 18 martie, ora 19.00, Sala Rondă
Miercurea lejeră – idei afirmate performativ
Un concept de Maria Baroncea şi Eduard Gabia

Miercuri, 25 martie, ora 19.00, Sala Rondă
You come to see the show and you’ll get an extra burger! – 10 ani*
(reprezentaţie în limba engleză)
Concept, text şi coregrafie: Mihai Mihalcea
* reprezentaţie aniversară, supercalifragilistică, cu invitaţi!

Sursă informaţii:
CNDB - Clădirea TNB, B-dul Nicolae Bălcescu 2, etaj 3/4 (acces spre Lăptăria Enache)
tel: + 40 (21) 312 80 09