Samples of Romanian Archaeological Archives

Digital Documents

I. Butculescu, Coloured Drawings of Archaeological Finds - 1868 - 1876
Inventory of the National Museum of Antiquities, 1870 - Ancient Collection
Inventory of the National Museum of Antiquities, 1870 - Collection of Rarities and Curiosities
Inventory of the National Museum of Antiquities, 1870 - Ecclesiastic Collection
Inventory of the National Museum of Antiquities, 1870 - Numismatic Collection
Pamfil Polonic, Researches in Teleorman Region - Roman Fortifications Line, cca. 1900 - 24 plans (43-66)
Pamfil Polonic, Plans of Archaeological Researches at Racovița-Copăceni, cca. 1900 - 9 plans (1-9)
Pamfil Polonic, Excavations in the Roman Castrum at Celei (Sucidava), cca. 1900 - 5 plans (67-71)
Pamfil Polonic, Excavations at Răcari - Roman Castrum, cca. 1900 - 3 plans (18-20)
Pamfil Polonic, Excavations at Drobeta Turnu-Severin - Castrum and Roman Bridge over the Danube, cca. 1900 - 11 plans (21-31)

Documents from the arhive of the "Vasile Pârvan" Institute of Archaeology in Bucharest

Processed by cIMeC, 2001-2004