"The Mesolithic Habitation Complexes in The Balkans and Danube"
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Fig. No. 4. The stratigraphic profile of section XI (read from upper side to lower side) from the Clinci settlement. Earth layer belonging to the Cotofeni Culture from the transition stage to the Bronze Age; layer of yellow-grey earth, from the Salcuta Culture - the final Neoliothic; layer of light brown earth (archaeologically sterile); layer of dark brown earth, Cris Starcevo - the early Neolithic; clayey brown layer from the time of the Schela Cladovei Lepenski Vir Culture; brown layer with yellowish spots, Schela Cladovei - Lepenski Vir, the Epipaleolithic; layer of light yellow fine sand, partly uncovered dwelling, fire place, holes and burnt elements belonging to the Solcuta Culture, Schela Cladovei-type fireplaces, coals and burnt earth (according to Fl. Mogosanu).