Born on December 28th 1930 at Conop, Arad county. Graduated of the Faculty of History, Bucharest, in 1954. Researcher at the Institute of Archaeology until 1975 and since then at the City Museum in Bucharest. Director of this institution between 1990 - 1994. Co-ordinator of archaeological practice and professor at the "Dimitrie Cantemir" University (1990 - 1994). President of the Department for History and Archaeology of the Academy of Romanian Scientists and winner of the Romanian Academy "Emil Racovitza" Award in 1981. Founding member of the European Commission for the History of Prehistoric Religions, member of the South-East Mediterranean Piemont Society, of the UNESCO European Commission for Mesolithic and of other various committees in Romania.
(home) Saradei str., no. 53-61, bl. A9, sc. B, Ap. 74, 78456 Bucharest, Romania; (office) Muzeul de Istorie si Arta al Mun. Bucuresti, Bd. I.C. Bratianu no. 2, Bucharest. E-mail: |