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Versiunea Română

Adela Petre
A life dedicated to the beautiful

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Flowers on the time's canavas
Adela Petre - a famous messager on the Romanian folk art was born on June 10th 1929 in Patarlagele, district of Buzau. She is known to be a famous creator of folk art. Her authentic creations, table cloths, woolen carpets, goat hair carpets are appreciated both in the country and aboard. She's a member of the Academy of Traditional Arts. Most of her hand-working fabrics were on show in museums abroad, in France, Greece, Italy, Holland (The Netherland). She's considered to be an example of handing the old trade enherieted from old craftsmen, from one generation to another. She's keeping on adding new "flowers" to the buttons of the Romanian folk art.

"Before starting telling you about myself, about my love for waving and sewing, about the motives inspired from the native places, I'd like to talk about the village I was born and I spent my childhood, Valea Sibiciului, in Buzau Mountains. I can't forget those marvellous landscapes, the people living in here, the women, especially, there who taught me the secrets of that immortal art. I always enjoyed folk singing and dancing waving and sewing.

Both the old craftsmen and my grandma, Maria Mateescu, taught me all I know and I think those customs and traditions are worth being handed from one generation to another. We have that holy duty to do it. Now I'm waving carpets made of goat hair and wool. I use the vertical loom and I prepare the materials myself. I prefer natural colours."

Showing a perfect agreement with the contemporary good taste, Mrs. Adela Petre makes hair goat woven fabrics wich fit perfectly to the modern home environment. Carpets and mats with originally chosen ornaments where one can notice the scientific blend of natural colours of the hair goat represent important pieces in Adela Petre's creation. One can see them furnishing walls in a peasant house or in an exhibition as important points of attraction.

Text: Ecaterina Dulcu; Web: Cornelia Călin - Constantin
Last update: February 7, 2001