The State Philharmonic from Botosani
[ Romanian Version ]
State Philharmonic from Botosani was founded in 1953, from an already existing orchestra, which continued a significant musical tradition innitiated by Societatea Muzicala "Armonia" (The "Harmony" Musical Society), founded in 1883 by Alexandra Saint-Georges.
The musical life of Botosani was marked by the presence of great artistic peronalities: Hariclea Darclee, George Enescu, George Georgescu, Valentin Gheorghiu, Rudolf Kehrer, Francios Joel Thiollier, Vasili Sinaiski, Dumitru Goia, and others.
The main artistic collective is The Symphonic Orchestra, from which, divide, the situations requiering, reduced formations, such as: Cameral Orchestra "Ars Moldaviae", Blowers Orchestra "Armonia", The string quartet "Maestoso", the "Brevis" trio of blowers etc.
Filarmonica de Stat Botosani develops its activity in the town where George Enescu was born. To his memory, at the end of every September, the Fhilharmonic organises in Botosani, Liveni and Dorohoi "Zilele George Enescu" ("George Enescu Days").