"Nagy Imre" Art Gallery

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"Nagy Imre" Art Gallery
General profile:
Main profile:

"Nagy Imre" permanent gallery reopened on new premises in 2001 after it had been located in the precincts of "Teleki" Library, between 1959 - 1986. Thus, the public keen on authentic spiritual values has the opportunity to contemplate an artistic universe evoking inner energies. An experience lived beyond conventions would strongly influence the personality of master Nagy Imre. His reclusion in the privacy of his native village of Jigodin, in the Harghita area, refusing the temptations of urban life, would bring about the experience of a specific way of existence where the picturesque of the place intermingles with social realities. Everything would originally reflect in... his vast creation. A perfect master of various techniques (water colours, tempera, oil), Nagy Imre would grasp and immortalize the richness of light and colour in the area of Ciucului depression. An admirable sense of space is revealed in the elements of nature in harmonies animated by lyrical vibrations or in rhythmic cadences oriented towards the vigour of monumentality. More often than not, in the privacy of the natural setting, forever fresh and vital, he brings in human beings comfortably flooded by the ripple of water, the breeze of the wind, the reflections of the vegetation, the calls of cosmic immensity. Nothing grand, nothing cryptic, still everything so profound, close to our soul. Driven by a strong pantheist feeling, he cultivates trust in the positive meaning of life, defining for a creator loving beauty, truth and essence. The portrait definitions of the self - making up a cycle - reveal due to the firmness and the drawing and tension of the colours, the unbinding character, the vigor of the inner nature and the clear-mindedness.

Târgu Mureş
Strada Köteles Sámuel nr.1
Postal code:
Cluj - Târgu Mureş - Deda national road
Time table:
Tuesday - Sunday: 9:00 - 17:00;
Monday: closed
Phone :
Administrative subordination:
Mureş County Council
Museum code:
Ötvös Koppány
Contact person:
Ioan Şulea
Şef secţie
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