'Tiberiu Boşcaiu' Literary Geography Museum

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'Tiberiu Boşcaiu' Literary Geography Museum
General profile:
Main profile:
Memorials, History of Literature, Rare Books, Local History

The museum was established in 1980, by Professor Tiberiu Boşcaiu initiative; it was the result of the documenting trips following the traces of the Romanian writers he led his students into. It is located inside the Bănăţean High School from Oţelu-Roşu town and it has 9 halls. By an act of donation, Professor Tiberiu Boşcaiu has endowed the institution with old books, documents and photos. The museum, initially named Scholar Museum of Literary Geography „ Places and lights of Romanian literature”, functions under its current name since 2008. It displays the history of Romanian literature, in photographic images, from beginning until now. In th...e museum the visitor can fiind: old books and magazines, photos, facsimiles, etc.; manuscripts such as: a family album dating from 1792, a written protest from the Western Mountains area (1849), an indictment document against Corolian Brediceanu (1877), letters from: Ion Vidu, C. Bacalbaşa, Agatha Bacovia, Gh. Eminescu, Mitzura Arghezi, A.Z.N. Pop, books collection: Minei and Akathist (1870), The History of Alexander (in Cyrillic alphabet), Dosoftei – The Psalter in verses (in Cyrillic and Latin alphabets), D. Cantemir- Descriptio Moldaviae (1872), Macsim’s Grammar (1870), I. Vulcan – The Nation’s Wounds (1876), B. P. Haşdeu – The Fate (1910) etc, princeps editions: O. Goga, Poems (1906), with autographs from: P. Istrati, E. Farago, D. D. Pătrăşcanu, D. R. Popescu, A. Buzura, Sorin Titel, A. Blandiana, E Todoran, C. Stefănescu, etc. School manuals: Victuals from school (1888), Speller (1910), E.Hodoş, Stylistics (1914) etc. Calendars from: 1878, 1891, 1907, 1911, 1939. Magazines: The Literary Magazine (1888), The Literary Critics Magazine (1895), The Transylvanian Gazette (1899), The Bee (1904), The Sower (1905), The Flame (1906), The Evening Star (1911), The Thinking (1911), Tomorrow’s Society (1924), The Literary Movement (1925), The Literary and Artistic Truth (1929) etc. The document-photos, realized in the museum’s laboratory, are showing the faces of the great creators, facsimiles of their autographs, landscapes described in their works, homes where they’ve lived and worked, their childhood schools, cultural associations to which they had relations, their colleagues and friends, images of princeps’ editions or magazines where they have published. Also, billboards are exhibited in the museum with images of: M. Eminescu, V. Alecsandri, I. Creangă, I. L. Caragiale, I. Slavici, B. St. Delavrancea, G. Coşbuc, O. Goga, N. Iorga, A. Pann, C. Hogaş, G. Galaction, M. Sadoveanu, G. Bacovia, T. Arghezi, L. Blaga, L. Rebreanu, G. Călinescu, V. Voiculescu, N. Labiş, N. Stănescu, A. E. Baconski, Z. Stancu, M. Eliade, S. Titel etc. There are, also, billboards showing national history moments There is, also, an exhibition of books from Banat region from the latest decades, which gathers over 100 volumes. From 2018, the museum has opened a permanent philatelic exhibition, on the occasion of the celebration of the Centenary of the Great Union. Annually, cultural activities, anniversaries, historical events, competitions and visits with the students of the high school are held in the school museum. The museum operated until 2014 with 9 rooms. On July 7, 2014, the "Documentation, Film & Photo Creation and IT Activity Center" was set up by Mr. Emil Mateiaş, in a museum hall, by the decision of the previous management of the high school and the consent of Mrs. Angela Boşcaiu, the exhibits with photographs and After about 2 years, as a result of the rain damaged the room, the Center moves its location to another locality, the room remaining vacant until 2019, when it is rehabilitated once the entire roof of the museum building has been repaired. Humanitas Foundation, Dr. Valentin Bosneag and saving the museum's location. The halls are given a new destination, in 2020, sheltering a kindergarten, following the consent of Mrs. Angela Boşcaiu, the wife of the museum's founder (Prof. Marciana Corici, school museum representative).

Oţelu Roşu
Strada Republicii nr. 10
Postal code:
DN 68 to Oţelul Roşu, in the premises of the High School.
Time table:
On demand
Phone :
0255.530.383; 0355.417.720
Administrative subordination:
High School Oţelul Roşu
Museum code:
Contact person:
Prof. Marciana Corici
Classified :