'Nicolae Iorga' Religious Art Museum

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'Nicolae Iorga' Religious Art Museum
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The School of National Missionaries “Queen Maria” was ushered on 19th of August, 1922, in the presence of Queen Maria of Romania, who granted her patronage to the new establishment. The school functioned “in some old boyar’s houses, made available for this purpose by the Almasanu Bank, to which Cihodaru (the architect) has built, nearby, other headquarters.” (N. Iorga, “A human’s lifetime”). Inside that “new headquarters”, the dining hall and the weddings hall were installed. The building dates from the XIX century. The necessary funds were gathered due to a call launched in 1921 and to a subscriptions list. The young teachers, ch...osen from the best in all country’s regions and citizens (Romanians, Saxons and Hungarians) were trained in a new pedagogical, scientific and patriotic spirit for one year. Those missionaries were creating, in the rural areas, a new Romanian soul. Nowadays, the building hosts an exhibition of religious art which continues the idea of another cultural establishment - namely the Religious Art Museum, founded in 1923 by Nicolae Iorga at Valenii de Munte and left under the care of the Missionaries’ School. The exhibition includes, in its four halls, exhibits of outstanding value, beginning with wooden icons from the XVII – XIX centuries, silver and brass candleholders, wooden and metallic hand crucifixes, pectoral crucifixes, priestly garments (miter, felonion, sleeves, epitrachelion, epigonation, cingulum), chalice coverings dating from the XIX Century, gilded silver chalices, waist inkwells, old ecclesiastical books, wool carpets, kandilas. These objects were crafted in local workshops and are bearing Russian, Greek, occidental and oriental style influences. One room is dedicated to the local heritage - objects from the XVIII – XX centuries, such as: wooden icons, ecclesiastical books, chalices, worship pots, a monastery tabernacle. All these are property of the Valeni Monastery church and are kept in custody by the museum. BARSESTI: The museum is the property of Mr. Costică Beş, an autodidact man owning approx 370 objects. They are held in precarious conditions, in 3 small warehouses and an inner courtyard. In his collection work tools (looms, ploughs, coopers' tools), household objects, ceremonial objects (flasks and woven fabrics), parts of traditional clothes and musical instruments. There are, also, objects specific to a museum (photos, weapons, decorations/distinctions, documents) reflecting the local history in the period between the two World Wars. AVRAMIDE: The building is renovated; it presents aspects of the urban life of Tulcea town between the end of the XIX and beginning of the XX centuries. Carrying on this project aims at highlighting Tulcea identity within the Dobrogea regional one. Also, the complex is foreseen to have an interactive component, through diverse cultural and artistic activities intending to connect the past to the future. The complex, composed of the Avramide House and the Art Museum (in no.2, Grigore Antipa street), will exhibit: art (paintings and sculpture) with works of consecrated Romanian painters and, also, works by contemporary painters; painting and engraving workshops for children and amateurs; oriental art exhibition; Dobrogea art exhibition; art exhibition of the national minorities; small concerts, associated to important cultural events; cultural events. The museum (owned by Mr. Emil Kindlein) is atypically located – inside a shopping mall – and presents the history of watchmaker and jeweller craftsmanship of the early thirties. The exhibits belonged to the owner’s grandfather, Mr. Petru Kindlein, who recreated the workshop and the store. Also, the museum has a section where documents are exhibited, vintage photos and personal objects. It has a collection of more than 2000 watches, wooden miniatures by Bajko Attila and multimedia elements. Partners in the museum arrangement project were: Bega Shopping Center and Timisoara National Theatre.

Vălenii de Munte
Vălenii de Munte, strada George Enescu nr. 1
Postal code:
Time table:
Tuesday - Sunday: 9:00 - 17:00;
Monday closed
E-mail address:
Administrative subordination:
Prahova County Council
Historic Monument Building: Clădire monument istoric
Museum code:
Mihal Dumitrache
Classified :