Starting with April 1st 2010, the Székely National Museum runs a gallery of contemporary art (the only one in Transylvania). The MAGMA gallery opened on the ground floor of the Bazaar, in the city center, and it also represents an extension in time and space of the permanent "Pantheon" exhibition of the "Gyárfás Jenő" art gallery. Muzeu şcolar este în cadrul licelui în cadrul Liceului Teoretic "Vasile Becalu" şi deţine circa 300 de obiecte. Sunt expuse: monede; vase amfore, cioburi antice provenite de la Cetatea Salsovi (cetate situată în zonă); obiecte etnografice. The school museum is in the &qu...ot;Vasile Becalu" High School and it has about 300 items. On display: coins; amphorae; ancient shards from Salsovi Fortress (located in the area); ethnographic objects.