Established in 1920 by Professor Alexandru Borza over a surface of 14 ha, the garden comprises 11,000 exhibits (representative trees and plants from all the continents) and a herbarium with 57,000 sheets. The complex of six greenhouses shelters tropical and subtropical plants. The space is divided into several sectors: ornamental, phytogeographical, systematic, economic and medicinal, each with its specificity. The flora and vegetation of our country also is well represented by the sections: the Transylvanian Plain, the Banat, Oltenia, the sea dunes and the Carpathian Mountains. The ornamental sector hosts the multitude of spontaneous or cultivated species and varieties with the quality of ...decorative plants. The aspect of the sector is specific of each season. The greenhouse complex includes six greenhouses where they cultivate exotic plants, such as: the Amazonian Basin lotus, some Australian and Mediterranean palmer species, succulent plants, orchids and tropical ferns. The systematic sector covers a surface of four ha where they cultivate the most important plant families, in phylogenetic order. The field arrangement of the plant families suggests the degree in which they are related. The botanic museum contains over 6,900 variously conserved pieces, some over 100 year old.