General Directorate of Monuments Administration and Tourist Promotion of Hunedoara County

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General Directorate of Monuments Administration and Tourist Promotion of Hunedoara County

The General Directorate of Monuments Administration and Tourist Promotion of Hunedoara County (DGAMPT), a public institution subordinated to the Hunedoara County Council, came into being in 2021 with the main purpose of protecting and promoting the Dacian Citadels in the City Mountains, as well as the monuments historical and memorial houses of county interest. As a public institution, the General Directorate of Monuments Administration and Tourist Promotion Hunedoara collects, preserves, researches, restores, communicates and exhibits material and spiritual testimonies of the existence and evolution of human communities, as well as of the environment. The administration, protection, mainten...ance and enhancement of the Dacian Fortresses in the Orăştiei Mountains (historical monuments that are part of the UNESCO World Heritage List) are priorities for DGAMPT. Also, the "Zestrea Apusenilor" Collection from Vaţa de Jos, the "Avram Iancu" House-Museum from Baia de Criş, the Ţebea Monument Complex, the "Drăgan Muntean" Memorial House from Poienita Voinii and the National Art Gallery "Forma" from Deva taken over by the General Directorate of Monuments Administration and Tourist Promotion of Hunedoara County, are part of development, promotion and enhancement projects. The General Directorate of Monuments Administration and Tourist Promotion of Hunedoara County (DGAMPT) ensures sustainable cultural development by enriching its own heritage and passing it on to future generations. Also, the General Directorate of Monuments Administration and Tourist Promotion of Hunedoara County (DGAMPT) actively participates, offers financial and logistical support through the County Council regarding the archaeological, systematic or preventive research that takes place in the Dacian fortresses of Orăştiei Mountains: Grădiştea de Munte–Sarmizegetusa Regia, Costeşti–Cetaţuie, Costeşti–Blidaru, Luncani–Piatra Roşie and Bănita. Special attention is directed to tourism, eco-tourism, rural tourism, traditional products and crafts from Hunedoara County, all of which contribute to the development of the county. Through specialized services, DGAMPT Hunedoara ensures the organization of activities in the cultural-educational field, the promotion of cultural values, the support and promotion of specific creative potential, the initiation and support of valuable artistic events at the local, national, European and international level, as well as of educational-cultural projects intended for different categories of public.

Bulevardul 1 Decembrie 1918 nr. 28
Postal code:
Phone :
E-mail address:
Administrative subordination:
Hunedoara County Council
Museum code:
Contact person:
Anca Mitrescu
Relaţii cu presa
Classified :

Subordinate units.
Name County Locality Commune Address Department Map
2131 DGAMPT - ”Avram Iancu” Museum-House Hunedoara Baia de Criş Baia de Criş Strada Florilor nr. 1 Etnografie şi istorie locală Map it
2130 DGAMPT - ”Drăgan Muntean” Memorial House Hunedoara Poieniţa Voinii Bunila Strada Principală nr. 3 Etnografie şi istorie locală Map it
2132 DGAMPT - The Ţebea monument complex Hunedoara Ţebea Baia de Criş Etnografie şi istorie locală Map it
2129 DGAMPT - ”Zestrea Apusenilor” Collection Hunedoara Vaţa de Jos Vaţa de Jos Piaţa Moţilor nr. 1, bloc 12, parter Etnografie Map it