DGAMPT - ”Avram Iancu” Museum-House

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DGAMPT - ”Avram Iancu” Museum-House
Main profile:

In the summer of 2003, the house where the National Hero Avram Iancu died was rebuilt in the town of Baia de Criş. Consecrated on September 8, 2003 and inaugurated on September 14 on the occasion of the National Celebrations in Ţebea, the "Avram Iancu" House-Museum symbolically recreates the former bakery of Ioan Stupină, known as Lieber, on the roof of which the great leader of The Romanian revolution in Transylvania from 1848-1849. The house-museum in Baia de Criş was built in the traditional style, characteristic of the Apuseni Mountains area, with a hipped roof and a gable (tarnăt) in front. Inside, the house-museum consists of two exhibition halls. The... first is the history room where Avram Iancu's revolutionary activity is presented, starting with the Blaj Assembly. Aspects from the great battles for the defense of the Apuseni Mountains are exhibited, through photographs of the revolutionary prefects, photographs of weapons and fighters, sketches of the battles of 1849, photocopies of some letters and documents. Avram Iancu is represented after the Revolution of 1848-1849 until his funeral in Ţebea in 1872. Images of the numerous victims of the repression expedition of the Hungarian troops are presented, as well as documents about the memory of Avram Iancu in the consciousness of posterity, publications about Avram Iancu and some fragments from Horea's Gorun. In the second room, pieces of local ethnography are exhibited. Many of these bear the imprint of the Romanian tricolor. Thus, under the painting representing Avram Iancu, a woolen blanket woven in the three national colors is displayed, on which the hero sat when he participated in an event in Ţebea. The two paintings that depict Avram Iancu fully dressed in peasant robes can also be mentioned as unique, little-known paintings and the traditional tulnic, given by a grandson of Iancu.

Baia de Criş
Baia de Criş
Strada Florilor nr. 1
Postal code:
Time table:
Monday - Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00 (on demand)
Phone :
E-mail address:
Administrative subordination:
Hunedoara County Council
Museum code:
Contact person:
Marioara Oprişa
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