DGAMPT - The Ţebea monument complex

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DGAMPT - The Ţebea monument complex
Main profile:

The town of Ţebea, in the commune of Baia de Criş, is among the places full of history and legend in Hunedoara county. Documentarily attested since 1427, the town of Ţebea houses several objectives representative of the historical events that took place in the context of the struggle of the Moti against social and economic injustices, for liberation and national unity. More precisely, in the village cemetery, also known as the Ţebea Monument Complex, are the graves of Avram Iancu, leader of the Romanian Revolution in Transylvania from 1848-1849 and of the popular army in Transylvania, Ioan Buteanu and Simeon Groza, both members important figures of the 1848-1849 Revolutio...n, graves and commemorative crosses of the heroes of the Romanian War of Independence, the First World War and the Second World War. Also within the Ţebea complex is Horea's Gorun, approximately 400 years old, under which, according to legend, Horea called the people of the area to battle in 1784, as well as other goruns planted by notable personalities of history Modern Romania: King Ferdinand I, Queen Maria or French General Henri Mathias Berthelot. The entire complex is guarded by the Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God, or the Church with the Tricolor, as it is also known. The edifice of monumental proportions, built in the western neoclassical architectural style, is provided with a recessed, pentagonal-shaped apse, a slender belfry and a storied tower wrapped in sheet metal. At the end of the 19th century, the current church replaced a stone edifice in which, on September 12, 1872, the priest's service for "Crăişorul Munţilor", Avram Iancu, took place. In the church today there are a number of museum objects: the bronze bell of the old church, cast in 1845, the bell that announced the death of Avram Iancu, the crowns with the tricolor, the painting of the heroes of the Moti – Horea, Cloşca and Crişan and an old flag with the faces of Avram Iancu, Horea, Cloşca and Crişan. The painting of the church, recently completed, was consecrated on September 10, 2022, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Avram Iancu's death. Every year, in September, at Avram Iancu's grave, the Ţebea National Celebrations dedicated to his memory take place. The celebrations are organized on the second Sunday of September, a date as close as possible to September 10, the day of Avram Iancu's death. The Ţebea Monument Complex is located on DN 76 Deva – Oradea, and can be visited throughout the year.

Baia de Criş
Postal code:
Time table:
Monday - Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00 (cu winter)
Monday - Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00 (summer)
Phone :
E-mail address:
Administrative subordination:
Hunedoara County Council
Museum code:
Contact person:
Marioara Oprişa
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