"Tudor Arghezi" Memorial House

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"Tudor Arghezi" Memorial House
General profile:
Main profile:

The house where the poet Tudor Arghezi lived from 1930 is known under the name of "Mărţişor". It stands on Piscului Hill, dominating the south-east part of the city, where the tombs of the Arghezi family can be found. The house has been a memorial museum since the autumn of 1974, as the poet left in his will. It comprises a ground floor and an upper floor, eighteen rooms overall, and annexes. In the writer's study, there is the largest part of the library, comprising several thousands volumes, a radio set from the '30s, as well as a table and a bed. Above it one can see a one hundred and fifty year old wooden icon. In the next room we can find the medals and decora...tions awarded by the Romanian state for Arghezi's works, as well as the European price Gottfried von Herder, awarded on the 30th of April 1965. He was the first Romanian writer who received this prestigious award. Here we can also admire a landscape by Francisc Şirato, portraits by R. Maniu and another landscape signed by Nicolae Dărăscu. At the same time, our attention is drawn by the writer's bust, by the sculptor Oscar Han, an expression Head by A. Băieşan, as well as the portrait "Tinca" (water colour) by the painter Lucia Demetriade - Bălăcescu. In another room - used as laboratory by the writer - there is a radiophone relic - Atwater Kent's radio set, purchased by Tudor Arghezi in 1927. The windows of this room present medals bearing the writer's effigy, personal belongings and personal equipment. Next to it there is the room of his two children that has preserved pieces of furniture, as well as toys and schools tablets. In the dining room we find a gramophone and a samovar, pictures and portraits signed by established painters as well as Steurer, Calafeteanu, Ciocardel, Băieşan, Macedonschi, etc. Another room hosts several hundreds of volumes, a magnetic tape recorder from 1956, a small cupboard from over a century ago, a photograph depicting the writer at the respectable age of 82 (a work by the photograph artist Aurel Mihailopol), two small maps with the notes from travels to Europe, as well as the writer's translations. In the building next to the house there is an exhibition presenting verse and fiction volumes, manuscripts, documents, reviews edited by the writer, as well as a rich iconography with images from the history of Mărţişor.

Strada Mărţişor nr. 26, sector 4
Postal code:
Trolley bus: 73, 74, 76 (stop Piaţa Sudului);
Bus: 144, 232 (stops: Huşi - Şos. Olteniţei), 312, 313, 781, 784 (Piaţa Sudului);
Tram: 9,11, 17 (stop Huşi-Olteniţei) and 1, 34 (Piaţa Sudului)
Time table:
Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00 (summer) / 09:00 - 17.00 (winter);
Monday - closed.
Phone :
Administrative subordination:
Bucharest City Council
Historic Monument Building: Clădire monument istoric
Museum code:
Ioan Cristescu
Classified :