"The Royal Court" National Museum Complex

"The Royal Court" National Museum Complex
General profile:
Main profile:

The court complex was raised between the 14th and the 17th centuries. The monumental ensamble, the residence of the Wallachian princes (1397 - 1714), stretches over 28,000 sq.m. Representative for mediaeval Romanian architecture and art, the Princely Court monuments include innovative elements and solutions that strongly influenced their age. The main monuments include the Princely Palace ruins (from the 15th - 17th centuries); the Great Church (1584), with interior painting (1697), and a votive picture "Princes"; "Saint Parascheva"' Church (from the 15th century); Chindia Tower, raised by Vlad Ţepeş (1456 - 1462); Bălaşa House - the asylum (1656); the... fortifications (from the 16th - 17th centuries), ruins. Although the main extant monuments here date from the period after the reign of Mircea the Old, the archaeological excavations uncovered an interesting fortification and a house called ‘of the Pârcălab - village magistrate' and other vestiges dating from the second half of the 14th century, previous to the reign of Mircea the Old, not of great relevance now within the museum complex. The exhibits include religious art items from the Brancovan age: paintings, priestly garbs, prints, ornaments, pieces of furniture, tombstones; pottery, weapons, ornamental disks, frescos. The museum owns goods listed in the National Cultural Heritage Treasure.

Calea Domnească nr. 181
Postal code:
Time table:
Tuesday - Sunday: 9:00 - 18:30 (summer); 9:00 - 17:00 (winter);
Monday: closed
Phone :
0245.613.946; 0245.612.877
Administrative subordination:
Dâmboviţa County Council
Museum code:
Ovidiu Cârstina
Contact person:
Gheorghe Olteanu
Director adjunct
O.M.C. nr. 3061/28.07.2020 Acreditare
Classified :

Subordinate units.
Name County Locality Commune Address Department Map
256 "I. C. Vissarion" Memorial House Dâmboviţa Costeştii din Vale Costeştii din Vale Memoriale Map it
257 "Ion Luca Caragiale" Memorial House Dâmboviţa I. L. Caragiale Ghirdoveni Memoriale Map it
274 „Dumitru Ulieru” Ethnographic Museum Dâmboviţa Pietroşiţa Pietroşiţa Joseni Etnografie şi istorie locală Map it
258 Brancovan Palace Museum Dâmboviţa Potlogi Artă Map it
262 Ethnography Museum Dâmboviţa Pucioasa Strada Primăverii nr. 1 Etnografie Map it
255 "Gheorghe Petraşcu" House and Workshop Dâmboviţa Târgovişte Strada Bărăţiei nr. 17 Memoriale Map it
1940 Exhibition "Metamorphosis of a Place of Memory" Dâmboviţa Târgovişte Bulevardul Carol 1 nr. 49 Memoriale Map it
268 Stelea Art Galleries Dâmboviţa Târgovişte Strada Stelea nr 4 Artă Map it
1495 "Vasile Blendea" Museum Dâmboviţa Târgovişte Strada Poet Gr. Alexandrescu nr. 24 Artă Map it
259 Art Museum Dâmboviţa Târgovişte Calea Domnească nr. 185 Artă Map it
263 History Museum Dâmboviţa Târgovişte Calea Domnească nr. 181 Istorie Map it
1988 Museum of Human and Technology Evolution in Paleolithic Dâmboviţa Târgovişte Strada Stelea nr. 4 Arheologie Map it
265 Museum of Writers of Dâmboviţa Dâmboviţa Târgovişte Strada Justiţiei nr. 7 Memoriale Map it
267 Romanian Printing and Rare Books Museum Dâmboviţa Târgovişte Strada Justiţiei nr. 7 Carte veche Map it
254 "Gabriel Popescu" House and Workshop Dâmboviţa Vulcana-Pandele Vulcana-Pandele Memoriale Map it