"Teodor Cincu" History Museum

"Teodor Cincu" History Museum
General profile:
Main profile:

The "Teodor Cincu" History Museum, Tecuci was established in 1935 (November 21, 1935) in the building donated to the city by the nobleman Teodor Cincu. Thus, the most beautiful building in the city, as it is today, becomes the headquarters of a cultural institution, placing the city of Tecuci among the Moldavian cities (Fălciu, Bârlad, Galaţi, Iaşi) that could be proud of the existence of a museum. The merit of establishing a museum in Tecuci does not belong only to the philanthropist Teodor Cincu; to the same extent, it also belongs to the two history enthusiasts and collectors: Constantin Solomon and Mihail Dimitriu, whose collections formed the basis of the e...stablishment of the museum to which, later, other heritage objects were added, thus enriching the museum's heritage. Constantin Solomon was a Romanian language teacher and director of the "D. A. Sturdza" from Tecuci, and Mihail Dimitriu was clerk at the Court and then secretary of the Tecuci Bar Association. They, as early as 1924, began to collect various archaeological and paleontological remains from the Tecuci region. The institution has grown constantly, adding year after year, numerous valuable objects from the archaeological research carried out by the museum's specialists in collaboration with counterparts from prominent institutions in the country. In its warehouses, the museum holds a number of valuable collections in the fields of archaeology, numismatics, medalism, art, modern and contemporary history, documents and photographs, ethnography, pieces of furniture, technique, and a unique piece in Romania (only two models in Europe, one of which is at Tecuci) – EGO 4/14 model car, manufactured in 1924, all of which add up to a number of over 58,250 pieces of heritage. In the archeology collection, the predominant results are the results of the archaeological research carried out in the Poiana site - the Piroboridava settlement, carried out by Prof. Radu Vulpe and Ecaterina Dunăreanu Vulpe starting in 1927 and continued by Prof. Silvia Teodor (Institute of Archeology Iaşi) and the specialist team of the Tecucean museum until 1990. It is an impressive archaeological heritage that has represented over time the study material for several generations of archaeologists. In this collection we also find representative vestiges for the knowledge of local, zonal and national history contained in extensive areas of some material cultures on the territory of Romania, starting from the Neolithic until the 6th century BC. Thus we mention: the Eneolithic settlement in the village of Toflea, researched by to Marilena Florescu and Mircea Nicu between 1970 and 1974; century biritual necropolis. IV BC from Barcea commune, researched by Mircea Nicu and Stela Ţau between 1975 – 1982; the Late Bronze Age settlement in Gârbovăţ commune, researched by Radu C. Florescu in 1967; the multi-layered archaeological site (neolithic - modern era) Negrileşti - Curtea Scolii, where even today archaeological research is carried out in collaboration with the "Paul Păltanea" Galati History Museum.

Strada 1 Decembrie 1918 nr. 36
Postal code:
Time table:
Wednesday - Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00 (09:00-17:00 winter);
Monday, Tuesday: closed
Phone :
E-mail address:
Administrative subordination:
City/town Council
Historic Monument Building: Clădire monument istoric
Museum code:
Daniel Dojan
Contact person:
Daniela Alecsă
Classified :