Polovragi Monastery was built in 1648 by the boyar Danciu Părâianu on the place of an earlier one from the 16th century. In the cells sector was organized a religious art and rare books exhibition. The monastery church is a historic and architectonic monument. The cells date from the 18th century and were restored in 1980. The exhibits include wooden icons, glass icons, religious manuscripts, rare books, religious art items (shrine, candelas, disk, vessel cover etc.), rare books (the Code of Laws of Matei Basarab - 1652, the Bible of Şerban Cantacuzino - 1682, the Pentecostal - 1743, the Bible with silver binds - 1793, Octoih from C. Brancovan - 1712, Psalm Manuscript by Sim...onah Gherontie the House Painter - 1832), and clothes.