"Anastasie Fătu" Botanic Garden

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"Anastasie Fătu" Botanic Garden
General profile:
Main profile:
Natural Sciences - Botanics

The Botanic Garden, as well as Botanic Garden museum and herbarium, conserve and valorise a rich collection of local and exotic plants from Europe and other continents. It was established in Jassy in 1856 as the first Botanic Garden in Romania by the doctor and naturalist Anastasie Fatu, a great patriot, philanthropist and cultivated man. The Systematic Sector stretching over five hectares cultivates about 2,000 taxa, herbal and ligneous plants arranged according to their natural relation as phyla, branches, orders and families. Romanian flora and vegetation is the largest sector stretching over 25 hectares. The Ornamental (Decorative) Sector lies at thee main entranceway to the Botanic ...Garden, all around the administrative pavilion and the greenhouse complex. The Ornamental Sector stretches over a four hectare ground and 800.19 sq.m. surface, greenhouse surface, as well as over 72.60 sq.m. solarium, destined to the collections that need close spaces to be cultivated and preserved, as well as to the soil culture of some rare exotic plants for cut flowers. The Dendrologic Sector (dendrarium) lies in the south end of the Botanic Garden, on a slope with a west general exhibition and an average declivity of seven - eight degrees. This sector stretches over 20 hectares. The World Flora Sector stretches over 16 hectares, on both sides of "Podgoria Copou" Valley, starting from the neighbourhood of Turn greenhouse (greenhouse 9) and up to the Copou valleys. The Biological Sector lies in the central part of the Botanic Garden stretching over 4.5 hectares. The Utilitarian Plants Sector stretches over 1.5 hectares and lies on the central plateau of the Botanic Garden, bordering to the north-east the Systematic Sector, to the west the Biological Sector, to the south the Dendrologic Sector and to the south-east the Rosarium. The glass and metal constructions, with air-conditioning, stretch over a surface of about 3,800 sq.m. The precinct shelters a remarkable stock of original plants (about 2,600 taxa), especially from subtropical and equatorial areas of the globe, from all the continents. Their distribution runs according to well established criteria: biogeographical, taxonomic, utilitarian, etc. The Greenhouse Complex Sector comprises 12 greenhouses, each of them with its own characteristics, comprising various vegetal materials. The Rosarium and Roses' Park is situated at the crossroads between the main sectors and access ways, stretching over 1.7 hectares and summing up 600 types of roses, distributed into horticultural groups according to size, shape and colour. In the centre of the rosarium there are the species of noble roses, and at the peripheral areas one can find the species of wild species, distributed according to their geographical origin. The Botanic Garden also comprises a memorial plants sector stretching over three hectares. The Memorial Plants Sector lies not far from the historic monument - "St. Atanasie and Chiril" Church (1638), built by Prince Vasile Lupu.

Strada Dumbrava Roşie nr. 7 - 9
Postal code:
Time table:
In the greenhouse and outside: 9:00 - 20:00;
In the herbarium room: Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 15:00
Phone :
E-mail address:
Administrative subordination:
„Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University
Museum code:
Mihai Mititiuc
Classified :