The birth house of the poet Endre Ady is located at Ady Endre village (formerly Mecenţiu), at 5 km from Căuaş, the commune seat. The museum complex consists of two houses located on the right and the left of the poet’s monument: the old house where the poet was born; and the new house used by the family during the interwar period. Born in 1877, Ady Endre was one of the most important Hungarian poets of the twentieth century. In 1957, thanks to the interventions of the painter Aurel Popp, the poet's birth house was turned into a museum after it had been restored. The house was built according to the traditional peasant’s dwelling. It is covered with cane and three rooms. The front room is furnished as a representative clean-room. The entrance hall was a kitchen with open chimney and it is equipped with household objects. The last room is equipped with the bed, in which according to the tradition the poet was born, and a window sideboard with documents and family photos. The big or the new house has four rooms. In the first and the third rooms documents, photos, letters to the poet, and other documents are exhibited. In the second and in the last rooms pieces of furniture with household items and decorations are displayed which are characteristic for the poet’s period.