Situated in the south part of Piatra-Craiului Massif, the Rucăr - Dâmbovicioara area is characterized by a varied spectacular carstic relief. This cave, over 250 m long, looks like a slightly branched gallery, with a slightly upward track; it can be crossed easily, as its ceiling is higher than man’s stature (about two meters). The interior offers excellent conditions for visitation. The fauna characteristic of such carstic forms proves to be scarce, as until now no cave species were found. Instead, the fossil remains of the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) were found. Locals had known it before 1579, the year when Dâmbovicioara was documented, during the time of Mihnea Turcit...ul. Later, in 1767, J. Fridvalsky cites it in the scientific work "Mineralogia magni Principatus Transilvaniae", as it constitutes the first carstic form of this kind in Muntenia, mentioned in a relevant study.