Editor's Links to other pages related to the theme
Scrolls From The Dead Sea.
The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Scholarship - an Exhibit at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC
expozitie referitoare la cele mai importante fragmente de manuscrise; harta a regiunii; obiecte arheologice din siturile arheologice din zona siturilor de la Marea Moarta; trimiteri bibliografice
- Library of Congress Materials Relating to the World of the Scrolls
autori antici (Pliniu, Flavius Josephus, etc.) despre manuscrisele de la Marea Moarta
- The Sadducean Origins of the Dead Sea Sectarians by Sandra S. Williams
(Judaic Studies Program University of Central Florida). Term paper concerning who may have written the Dead Sea Scrolls.
articol despre originea etnica a autorilor manuscriselor
- Coins
In 1955, three intact ceramic vessels containing a total of 561 silver coins were found under a doorway at the Qumran excavation site. The vessels were filled to the brim with coins and their mouths were covered with palm-fiber stoppers. Two out of three of the hoard vessels are of a type otherwise unknown at Qumran. New members of the sect may have had to surrender their worldly goods to the treasurer of the community. The vessels and their contents then, would constitute the deposit of one or a number of new adherents. On the other hand it should be noted that depositing coins at a building's foundation, often under doorways, was a common practice in antiquity.
- Dead Sea Scrolls - Index
- The Dead Sea Scrolls Revealed. Features.
Hundreds of detailed photographs and live-action film segments. Translation segments of the major scrolls
- Center for the Study of Early Christianity.
The Dead Sea Scrolls. Read Stephen Pfann's latest articles on: The Pottery at Qumran. Cryptic Scripts and the Function of the Maskil
- Caves and City of Qumron, near Jerusalem
3 fotografii despre primul loc al descoperirilor
- Informatii generale pentru publicul larg, fotografii
- The Calendar (Mishmarot) of the Community at Qumram
fotografie detaliata a unui manuscris referitor la sistemul cronologic utilizat
- Manuscrisul lui Enoch, cu imagine de detaliu
- The Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
About the Orion Center, our activities, publications, annual symposiums, e-mail discussion group on Dead Sea Scrolls.
Regularly updated bibliography on the Scrolls, news articles, links and a bulletin board for conferences, paper calls and job openings.
Photographs of manuscripts from Qumran, the site of the Scrolls discovery.
- Dead Sea Scrolls pagina generala cu diverse informatii.
- Dead Sea Scrolls - pagina generala de informatii
- On-Line Texts Related to Biblical Study: Dead Sea Scrolls.
Bibliografie recenta (1996-1997).
- The Dead Sea Scrolls A New Translation by Michael Wise, Martin Abegg, Jr.
- Pagina de link-uri generale
- The Dead Sea Scrolls. Qumran in Perspective by Geza Vermes
- The Dead Sea Scrolls Today by James C Vanderkam
- The Dead Sea Scrolls In English by Geza Vermes (1995)
- The Mystery And Meaning Of The Dead Sea Scrolls by Hershel Shanks (1998)
- Princeton Dead Sea Scrolls Project
- Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project - CenturyOne Foundation
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