Id | Autor | Titlu | Publicatia | Numarul | Anul aparitiei | Pagini | Planse | Tema |
41 | Irimia M. | Observatii privind arheologia secolelor VII-V ien in Dobrogea | Pontica | 8 | 1975 | 89-114 | Histria in istoria veche a Dobrogei | |
42 | Irimia M. | Date noi privind asezarile getice din Dobrogea in a doua epoca a fierului | Pontica | 13 | 1980 | 66-118 | Histria in istoria veche a Dobrogei | |
43 | Mihailov G. | The Western Pontic Koinon | Epigraphica | 41 | 1979 | 8-42 | Histria in istoria veche a Dobrogei | |
44 | Panin N. | Black Sea coast line in the last 10000 years. A new attempt in identifying the Danube mouths as described by the Ancients | Dacia, N.S. | 27 | 1983 | 175-184 | Histria in istoria veche a Dobrogei | |
45 | Petre A. | Quelques donnes archeologiques concernant la continuite de la population et de la culture romano-byzantine dans la Scythie Mineure a l'epoque hellenistique | Dacia, N.S. | 7 | 1963 | 317-353 | Histria in istoria veche a Dobrogei | |
46 | Pippidi D.M. | Les villes grecques de Scythie Mineure a l'epoque hellenistique | Balkan Studies | 6 | 1965 | 118-134 | Histria in istoria veche a Dobrogei | |
47 | Pippidi D.M. | Contributii la istoria veche a Romaniei | 1967 | 600 p. | Histria in istoria veche a Dobrogei | |||
48 | Pippidi D.M. | Studii de istorie a religiilor antice.Texte si interpretari | 1969 | 335 p. | Histria in istoria veche a Dobrogei | |||
49 | Pippidi D.M. | Les villes de la cote ouest de la mer Noire d'Auguste a Diocletien | Akten des VI.internationalen Kongresses fur griechische und lateinische Epigraphik, Munchen, | 1973 | 99-114 | Histria in istoria veche a Dobrogei | ||
50 | Pippidi D.M. | I Greci nel Basso Danubio dall'eta arcaica alla conquista romana,Milano | 1971 | 342 p. | 61+8har | Histria in istoria veche a Dobrogei |