Palaeontological and Stratighraphical Museum of the "Babeş-Bolyai" University

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Palaeontological and Stratighraphical Museum of the "Babeş-Bolyai" University
General profile:
Main profile:
Paleontology, Geology

The Paleontological and Stratigraphical Museum is located in the Central Building of "Babeş-Bolyai" University, built by the early 20th century. The museum collections are hosted in two halls on the ground floor of the building and in the hall of the Geology - Paleontology Chair. The open air collection is located in the inner courtyard, in the space in front of the Geology - Paleontology Chair. The Paleontological and Stratigraphical Museum of "Babeş-Bolyai" University has a long history and a rich scientific tradition. It emerged as an academic collection in 1919, by partially taking over the collections of Francis Joseph University (inaugurated in 1872.). T...he collections were later reorganized and enriched with samples donated by geology professors and students. The exchanges conducted with museums and collectors in this country and abroad also contribute to the continuous diversification of the museum heritage. The museum currently has a number of about 50,000 samples, grouped in the following collections: The taxonomic paleontology collection gathers a systematic arrangement of fossil plants, invertebrates and vertebrates in this country and abroad. The most valuable collection is the specimen one and includes over 200 species of fossil plants and animals, representing new species for science and described for the first time in Romania. The general stratigraphy collection comprises fossils and rocks from Europe, ordered chronologically, from the Cambrian to the Pleistocene. The Transylvanian Basin collection is a regional collection, unique in Romania. It comprises mollusks, echinus, fossil vertebrates and plants from the Palaeogene and Neogene of the Transylvanian Basin. The important regional collections include those in the west basins (Şimleu, Borod, Zarand) or the rock collections (Simplon tunnel - Switzerland, Apuseni Mountains, Transylvanian Depresion). The open air includes large blocks or polished plates of magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and silicified wood trunks, samples collected from occurrences in Romania.

Strada M. Kogălniceanu nr. 1
Postal code:
Time table:
Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 14:00 (on appointment)
Phone :
0264.405.300 (int. 5204)
E-mail address:
Administrative subordination:
Babeş-Bolyai University
Museum code:
Contact person:
Liliana Săsăran
Cercetător ştiinţific
Classified :