“Constantin Năstase Ethnographic Museum ” – Cula Racoviţa

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“Constantin Năstase Ethnographic Museum ” – Cula Racoviţa
General profile:
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The museum was founded by teachers Constantin I. Năstase and his son C.C. Năstase in 1985 and donated to Mioveni City Council in 2009. Currently the museum is subordinated to the Local Council Mioveni, through the Cultural Centre Mioveni. Manor Racoviceanu contains the following collections exhibited in 6 rooms: folk costumes, occupations, coins, art, religious testimonies, ceramics, weapons, folk art, carpentry, cooperage, blacksmith. The building is a historic monument erected in 1806. Racoviceanu Manor (1806). On the left side of Argeşel River, not far from the confluence with the River Târgului is former commune Racoviţa, now incorporated in the city of Pit...eşti. On the mound that dominates this village is famous nobleman Nicholas Racoviceanu's Manor, built as a place of defense against outlaws, thieves or Turkish hordes that crossed the Danube after looting. On those days, already gone, the inhabitants had no longer any guarantee or security. Back then, outlaws go through fire and water noblemen, to take their wealth. Forced by those harsh times, Nicholas Racoviceanu rise a solid high building in the courtyard manor, thinking to serve as shelter for his family when outlaws started out robbery or when Turkish divisions crossed the Danube, also after robbery. The building was ready on 12 September 1806 and known as “CULA” - Manor - word of Turkish origin meaning high house, tower, fortress. It was 20 m high, covered with shingles, on 3 levels - ground floor, first floor, second floor - with thick walls - 0.75 m - small windows - flared with a single entry - oak door, well locked. On the second floor, the family kept valuables such as money, clothes, jewellery, weapons, etc. The family lived day and night in the mansion (the house) which was in the same yard with the fort and retreated to the cula only in case of attack by criminals. On the night of September 19, the family of Nicholas Racoviceanu was caught in by a band of 9 thieves who robbed the manor and killed Nicholas Racoviceanu. In 1877 the building burnt and was renovated on two levels - ground floor - first floor by his nephew Gregory Racoviceanu in 1878. Abandoned, the building deteriorated, being renovated in 1973-1975 by the Ministry of Culture. Between the years 1980 and 1985 it is occupied by the Department of Pottery of Goleşti Museum. Since 1985, the Manor Racoviceanu hosted the Ethnographic Museum. Today, the fortress is occupied by Nicholas Racoviceanu Centre of Popular Culture, respectively Ethnographic Museum "Constantin Năstase" who managed with his son Constantin C. Nastase to give it another use. Manor of Racoviţa was witness of many events and bravely faced the rigours of the times.

Nicolae Racoviceanu, nr. 110, sat aparţinător Racoviţa
Postal code:
Ethnographic Museum of Racoviceanu Manor is located near the House of Culture Racoviţa (in the same yard) and City Hospital St. Spiridon Racoviţa.
Time table:
Sunday 10.00 – 14.00; any other day, on demand, for groups
Phone :
0348.445.856 ; 0744.499.422
Administrative subordination:
City/town Council
Historic Monument Building: Clădire monument istoric
Museum code:
Alin Călinescu
Contact person:
Năstase Constantin
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