"The History of Romanian Theatre" Museum Collection

"The History of Romanian Theatre" Museum Collection
General profile:
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Maybe it was not better place than Iaşi to open a museum dedicated to the history of theatre and this was in December 1976, 160 years after the first performance representation in Romanian, Mirtil and Chloe, staged by Gheorghe Asachi in December 1816. Theatre Museum was intended to be a representation as detailed as possible of Romanian theatrical phenomenon. Unfortunately, the space that housed the museum, the house where writer Vasile Alecsandri was born and where he grew was returned to the last owner, the museum was forced to go into exile in search of new forms of expression and exposure. And was "hosted" by Eminescu, so on 22 February 2009, at the Museum "Mihai Emin...escu" in Copou Park, upstairs, was reopened in a much smaller formula, a new exhibition: Collection "History of Romanian Theatre". Theatre Museum was established in a series of unique collections of posters, costumes, fine and decorative arts, manuscripts, photographs, etc. Performing arts , stage design , directing , music, dance, performing around the world appears to us through costumes, documents, photographs, personal objects worn on stage from Matei Millo, State Dragomir, Grigore Manolescu, Aristizza Romanescu, Aglae Pruteanu, Haricleea Darclee, Agatha Barsescu, culminating in the generation of the 30s: Miluţă Gheorghiu, Constantin Ramadan, Margareta Baciu, Sandina Stan, Nicolae Şubă, Anny Braesky, Marioara Davidoglu, Stefan Dăncinescu, C. Sava and remaining open through contemporary Theophil Vâlcu, Adina Popa, Eugen Coşeru, Petre Ciubotaru, Dionisie Vitcu, Florin Mircea. They all tend to re- light the scene, actors’ emotions, public excitement, sense of fulfilment, of glory, complemented by collections of posters (one of the oldest in the history of Romanian theatre) , signed or made by Mihail Sadoveanu, Garabet Ibrăileanu, Mihai Codreanu, George Topîrceanu, Ionel Teodoreanu, Ion Sava, Th. Kiriacoff, I.A. Maican etc. At 122 years of fire that destroyed the Great Theatre from Copou (17 February 1888), the theatre returned home, at the beginning of Romanian theatre, trying to revive the enthusiasm and passion of those beginnings.

Parcul Copou
Postal code:
Iaşi railway station, DN 28
Time table:
Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00 - 17:00;
Monday: closed
Phone :
Administrative subordination:
Iaşi County Council
Museum code:
Lucian Dan Teodorovici
Contact person:
Laura Terente
Classified :