Results: 1 - 20 from 32

Name (*) Locality (*) Address (*) Department (*) Time table Map
1 "Ştefan Baciu" Memorial House Braşov Strada Dr. Gheorghe Baiulescu nr. 9 Memorials Monday-Saturday: 9:00 - 17:00;
Sunday closed
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2 "Metropolitan Antonie Plămădeală" Collection - Brâncoveanu Monastery Sâmbăta de Sus Religious Art Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 - 17:00;
Sunday: 9:00 - 17:00;
Monday: closed
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3 Silverware Collection of Evangelical Parish House Braşov Curtea Johannes Honterus 2 Religious Art 10:00 - 17:00 (summer);
10:00 - 15:30 (winter)
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4 Visitor Centre of Piatra Craiului National Park Zărneşti Strada Topliţa nr. 150 Natural Sciences Tuesday - Thursday, Saturday 10:00 - 16:00;
Friday, Sunday 10:00 - 14:00 (12:00 in winter);
Monday closed
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5 "House of Memories" Village Museum Zizin Strada Horia Memorials On demand Display on the map
6 Village Museum Vlădeni Strada Mare nr. 240 Ethnography and Local History On demand Display on the map
7 Ethnographic Museum Hărman Strada Pieţii nr. 3 Ethnography On demand Display on the map
8 Village Museum Cuciulata În cadrul Căminului Cultural Ethnography and Local History &#nbsp; Display on the map
9 Village Museum Comana de Jos Strada Principală nr. 179 Ethnography and Local History On demand Display on the map
10 "Nicolae Frunteş" Ethnographic, Olympic and Contemporary Art Museum Şirnea Ethnography and Local History Friday - Monday (on demand) Display on the map
11 Ethnographic Village Museum Buneşti Ethnography and Local History On demand Display on the map
12 Village Museum Collection Breaza Strada Principală nr. 131 Ethnography and Local History &#nbsp; Display on the map
13 Cave Râşnov Natural Sciences 10:00 - 20:00 (summer);
10:00 - 18:00 (winter)
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14 Museum of Codlean Traditions Codlea Strada Lungă nr. 113 History Tuesday-Wednesday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM;
Thursday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM;
Friday 8:00 AM - 2 PM;
Sunday 12:00 - 4:00 PM;
Monday, Saturday closed
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15 "Valer Literat" Museum of Făgăraş Land Făgăraş Piaţa Mihai Viteazul nr. 1 History Tuesday - Friday 8:00 - 19:00;
Saturday, Sunday 10:00-18:00;
Monday: closed (summer);
Tuesday-Friday 9:00 - 17:00;
Saturday, Sunday 10:00 - 17:00;
Monday: closed(winter)
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16 Zoological Garden Braşov Strada Brazilor nr. 1 Natural Sciences 8:00 - 17:00 (summer);
8:00 - 20:00 (winter)
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17 Bran National Museum Bran Strada Aurel Stoian nr. 14 Arts Tuesday to Sunday: 9:00 - 18:00;
Monday: closed
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18 Village Museum of the Bran Area Bran Ethnography Monday to Sunday: 9:00 - 18:00 (April 16 - October 14) Display on the map
19 Bran Castle Bran Strada Traian Moşoiu nr. 495 - 498 Arts Monday: 12:00 - 18:00 (summer), 12:00 - 16:00 (winter);
Tuesday - Sunday: 9:00 - 18:00 (summer); 9:00 - 16:00 (winter)
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20 Museum Collection of the Fortified Church in Viscri Viscri Ethnography &#nbsp; Display on the map