Results: 1 - 20 from 42

Name (*) Locality (*) Address (*) Department (*) Time table Map
1 The Upper Olt and Mureş Rivers Museum Miercurea-Ciuc Strada Petöfy Sandor nr. 23 Archaeology Tuesday - Saturday: 9:00 - 17:00;
Sunday: 10:00 - 15:00;
Monday: closed
Display on the map
2 "St. Elias" Monastery Museum Collection Topliţa Strada Ştefan cel Mare nr. 62 Religious Art &#nbsp; Display on the map
3 Village Museum Collection Zetea Ethnography and Local History &#nbsp; Display on the map
4 Village Museum Collection Voşlăbeni Ethnography and Local History &#nbsp; Display on the map
5 Village Museum Collection Tulgheş Ethnography and Local History &#nbsp; Display on the map
6 Village Museum Collection Suseni Ethnography and Local History &#nbsp; Display on the map
7 Ethnographic Collection "House of Memories" - Doina Dobrean Subcetate Strada Protopop Ethnography and Local History On demand Display on the map
8 Village Museum Collection Sândominic Ethnography and Local History On demand Display on the map
9 Village Museum Collection Sâncrăieni Ethnography and Local History &#nbsp; Display on the map
10 Village Museum Collection Rugăneşti Ethnography and Local History &#nbsp; Display on the map
11 Village Museum Collection Remetea Ethnography and Local History 9:00 - 16:00 Display on the map
12 Village Museum Collection Praid Ethnography and Local History &#nbsp; Display on the map
13 Village Museum Collection Plăieşii de Jos Ethnography and Local History &#nbsp; Display on the map
14 Village Museum Collection Ocland Ethnography and Local History &#nbsp; Display on the map
15 Village Museum Collection Mereşti Ethnography and Local History On demand Display on the map
16 Village Museum Collection Păltiniş-Ciuc Strada Principală nr. 1038 Ethnography 8:00-22:00, on demand Display on the map
17 Village Museum Collection Lunca de Jos Ethnography and Local History &#nbsp; Display on the map
18 Village Museum Collection Joseni Ethnography and Local History &#nbsp; Display on the map
19 Village Museum Collection Dăneşti Ethnography and Local History On demand Display on the map
20 Village Museum Collection Corund Ethnography and Local History On demand Display on the map