Results: 1 - 15 from 15

Name (*) Locality (*) Address (*) Department (*) Time table Map
1 Diocesan Museum Huşi Strada 1 Decembrie nr. 10 Religious Art On demand Display on the map
2 "My Old Corner" Museum Bălteni Deal Ethnography and Local History Monday - Saturday: 09:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 12:00
Display on the map
3 Wine Growing Museum Huşi Strada Fundătura Viticulturii nr. 7 Ethnography On demand Display on the map
4 Muntenii de Sus Museum Muntenii de Sus History &#nbsp; Display on the map
5 Village Museum Vutcani Ethnography and Local History 9:00 - 18:00 Display on the map
6 "Elena and Costel Rotaru" Collection Tăcuta Ethnography and Local History 13:00 - 20:00 Display on the map
7 Village Museum Grumezoaia Ethnography and Local History &#nbsp; Display on the map
8 Huşi City Museum Huşi Bulevardul 1 Mai, bl. 25, parter (sediu temporar) Archaeology Closed Display on the map
9 Zoological Garden Bârlad Bulevardul Republicii nr. 287 (Grădina publică) Natural Sciences Tuesday - Sunday: 10:00 - 19:00;
Monday closed
Display on the map
10 Bârlad Planetarium Bârlad Strada Republicii nr. 235 Natural Sciences Tuesday - Friday screenings at 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00
Saturday screenings at 9:00, 14:00 and 15:00
Display on the map
11 Sturdza House - Museum of Collections Bârlad Strada Vasile Pârvan nr. 4 Fine Art &#nbsp; Display on the map
12 "Vasile Pârvan" Museum Bârlad Strada Vasile Pârvan nr. 1 History Tuesday - Sunday: 8:00 - 16:00;
Monday closed
Display on the map
13 "Ştefan cel Mare" County Museum - Religious History and Art Department Floreşti Religious Art &#nbsp; Display on the map
14 "Emil Racoviţă" Memorial House Emil Racoviţă Memorials 9:00 - 17:00 Display on the map
15 "Stephen the Great" County Museum of Vaslui Vaslui Strada Hagi Chiriac, nr.2 History 9:00 - 17:00 Display on the map